
Terms of Use

Mz5star Creations is a Sims2-website,I don't create any custom content for The Sims3 and have no intention on doing so sorry. Meshes are not made by me, but they are always included. Please do not upload my custom content on your website.
Regarding My CC Creations:


*You may include my creations with your .simpacks but please link back to the site..it cuts down alot of WCIF's if you know what I mean =)

*You may include my sims in stories,movie,music videos, modeling contest,whatever you have plan but please give credit.. that's sounds fair to me =)

*Again credit is nice and always appreciated

*I use alot of other creator things as a base sometimes,so you have to respect there policies as well unless I state that is a dead site or pay.

Not Allowed

-No claiming my work as your own
-NO PAY-SITES,AT ALL EVER,Must remain 100%Free!


   Who Is Ms5starchic23?  

Ms5starchic23 or Mz5star for short is mainly me creating things... That not only I like for my simmies,but things that I think others simmers would like also.Some of you might  know me from the official sims2 site=) I love fashion and art..so for me the game is a great way to play around with my creative side and share my ideas with you. All my designs are inspired by things that you normally wouldn't see.My Sim style is more like urban, edgy,outlandish sometimes inspired by my favorite celebrities..lol Depends on the mood and inspiration. I'm not the best creator but I do my best to try and bring something completely new.All downloads (except for the meshes) are made by me.. and I hope you enjoy them...also Since I'm busy with my 2nd major which is fashion.. I can't always promise to update you all regularly but I will do my  best and I hope you understand that =).

Who runs the site?
As of right now I'm the only one to run the site=),It used to be a team of us consisting some of my friends but they have others things going on..but hopefully that might change.

                                                               How to contact You   

If you have any questions,want to share or exchange links, or whatever feel free and I will try to respond quickly